Last week we talked about how important Vitamin D is for your immune system.

Let’s talk about another important way to keep your immune system strong – chiropractic adjustments. Yes – chiropractic adjustments.

Numerous studies show that immune cells increase in number and effectiveness following a spinal adjustment. In these studies, blood is drawn before the adjustment and after the adjustment and after immune cells increase in number and effectiveness.

A report from the Preventive Medicine Institute found that people who are under regular chiropractic care for 5 years or longer had immune systems that functioned 400% better than the average person tested and 200% better than the healthiest (Olympic athletes) tested.

Why does this work? Well our brain and nervous system control our immune system; so if there is interference between the brain and our immune systems (which happens when your spine is out of alignment), problems occur.

Even though you may have 5,000 things to do today, getting adjusted for you and your family may be the most important errand of all.

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